Things are going great with the sink! More and more people are getting the word that we have one. Thank you for helping us get one for our salon!
Cathy Forton, Golden Girls Hair Styling, Port Huron, MI
The Adjust-a-Sink has made our residents more comfortable and easier to work with, as well as creating a safer atmosphere for the beauticians since water doesn’t get on the floor as much. We love the sink!
Jo Hilliard, Administrator, The Christian Village, Lincoln, IL
Our beauty shop operators find the Adjust-a-Sink to be a real asset in assisting the hair care needs of our residents. The adjustability allows a much easier and more comfortable method of shampooing for the residents and operators.
Roger Goepfert, Administrator New Glarus Home, Inc
I love it and recommend it!
Betty Upchurch, Angelique Salon and Day Spa, Columbus, OH - https://www.angeliquedayspa.com/
It’s a game changer. Very comfortable and accommodating!
Kelly Bilau, Administrator, Brendan House- Kalispell, MT